Monday, January 25, 2010


I know I haven't blogged in a few months, but have been completely shaken by the events in Haiti. My heart bleeds for the people of Haiti. We have so much in the United States, by far the best country in the world, that I can hardly fathom the experience of being a person of Haiti.

As Christians, we are to help the poor! Care for women and children! Care for widows! Feed the hungry! And, care for the sick and wounded of Haiti!!!

The video is of Mark Driscoll, Teaching Pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, and his 32 hours in Haiti. He has helped form an organization "Churches Helping Churches." The video will give you some feeling for the reality of the tragedy in Haiti. Please take a little time to view it and ask God, "How can I help your people in Haiti?"

There are several great organizations that could use your support. Churches Helping Churches and Convoy of Hope are two that I can personally recommend. In addition, my church, Harvest Chapel , is raising money to specifically help with projects in Haiti.

What would God have you do to help those in need of Haiti?

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